Wanju Welcome Queens Park

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What’s being shaped?

Wanju Welcome Queens Park has been one of the City’s revitalisation action plan to create a neighbourhood of welcome in which everyone feels like they belong, can be themselves and take ownership for shaping the neighbourhood story.

The project sought to welcome (“Wanju”) everyone to Queens Park and to celebrate the diversity of our community and nurture connections between people. The premise has been about working together to breathe new life and vitality into the neighbourhood to ensure it is safe, vibrant and accessible.


Queens Park is one of Canning’s most diverse neighbourhoods with 60% of

What’s being shaped?

Wanju Welcome Queens Park has been one of the City’s revitalisation action plan to create a neighbourhood of welcome in which everyone feels like they belong, can be themselves and take ownership for shaping the neighbourhood story.

The project sought to welcome (“Wanju”) everyone to Queens Park and to celebrate the diversity of our community and nurture connections between people. The premise has been about working together to breathe new life and vitality into the neighbourhood to ensure it is safe, vibrant and accessible.


Queens Park is one of Canning’s most diverse neighbourhoods with 60% of residents born overseas.

The neighbourhood is rich in community infrastructure, public open space and cultural assets. During this project we have encouraged and supported community groups to improve and activate the local area.

The objective of the Queens Park Revitalisation Plan was to revitalise the Queens Park neighbourhood in partnership with community over the short term and beyond. The City, in collaboration with community, intends to imbue the neighbourhood with new life and vitality, harnessing local assets,and responding to identified community need.

Over the past three years, our engagement with the Queens Park community has sparked a remarkable transformation. Through dedicated efforts and collaboration, we've embarked on a journey to revitalise our neighbourhood, breathing new life into every corner and fostering a sense of belonging for all residents. At the heart of this initiative lies our unwavering commitment to listening to the voices of our community members, valuing their input, and translating their feedback into tangible actions.

Our approach has been multifaceted, encompassing various programs and events designed to enrich the fabric of Queens Park. From vibrant cultural celebrations to educational workshops and recreational activities, we've strived to offer something for everyone, catering to the diverse interests and needs of our community.

Get Involved

Help us close the loop in the revitalisation of Queens Park by sharing your thoughts on the actions we've already taken!

We're seeking your valuable feedback on the Wanju Welcome Queens Park Revitalisation Action Plan. Have you noticed the changes? Do you have ideas for further improvement?

Your input will play a crucial role in shaping the next steps of our neighbourhood's journey towards inclusivity and vibrancy. Together, we can ensure that everyone feels welcome and valued in Queens Park.

Thank you for helping us create a neighbourhood where everyone thrives! 🏡✨ #WanjuWelcome #QueensParkRevitalisation #ClosingTheLoop

What are the next steps?

Fill in the survey below to help continue shaping our neighbourhood together

You can also email welcome@canning.wa.gov.au directly.

  • Welcome Aboard

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    Welcome Aboard is an initiative of Wanju Welcome Queens Park to generate ideas and inspiration for making a vibrant, welcoming community hub under and around the elevated rail soon to be delivered through Queens Park and Cannington.

    We want to hear our communities vision for ‘what makes a welcoming neighbourhood?’ and how to introduce a celebrated level of community amenity. By understanding the neigbourhood’s aspirations we can work together to imagine, program and activate a platform for the future!

    Get aboard, everyone is welcome!


    WED 9 MARCH: Pop-Up Skate Park Installation

    Cannington Leisureplex

    MON 14 - FRI 18 MARCH: Pop-Up Welcome Pod Installation

    Mural Installation by Kim Mintz

    Cnr George Street & Railway Parade

    MON 14 & 21 MARCH 5pm – 6pm: Skateboard Sessions (Pop-Up Skate Park)

    Cannington Leisureplex

    FRI 25 MARCH 3pm – 7pm: Open Street Welcome Day

    Queens Park Station | Help us celebrate the neighbourhood with street football, local talent live performances, footpath art and street play.

    WED 30 MARCH 6pm-7pm: Neighbourhood Cycle

    Queens Park Welcome Pod

  • Pop Up Skate Park

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    Is a skate park a good idea for the local area?

    The #cityofcanning has installed a pop-up skate park at Cannington Leisureplex to help generate ideas and inspiration for making a vibrant, welcoming community hub under and around the elevated rail soon to be delivered through Queens Park and Cannington.

    Welcome Aboard is an initiative of Wanju Welcome Queens Park to hear our communities vision for ‘what makes a welcoming neighbourhood?’ and how to introduce a celebrated level of community amenity. We believe by understanding the neighbourhood’s aspirations we can work together to imagine, program and activate a platform for the future! Head to www.canning.wa.gov.au/WanjuWelcomeQP to find out more!

    Drop-in to our skateboard session on Monday 14 & 21 March from 5pm – 6pm.

  • Queens Park Station Welcome Pod

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    We’re proud to reveal our new Welcome Pod next to Queens Park Station!

    This new neighbourhood gathering place is an initiative of Welcome Aboard to help generate ideas and inspiration for making a vibrant, welcoming community hub under and around the elevated rail soon to be delivered through Queens Park and Cannington.

    Thank you to artist Kim Mintz (website at www.kim-mintz-art.com Instagram at @kim_mints) and the team at Respoke for collaborating with #cityofcanning to bring this project to life.

    Does this type of community amenity help create a welcoming neighbourhood? Let us know by heading to https://culturecounts.cc/s/58aNPa

    The City believes a space doesn’t become a place until you get people in it so we’re hosting a community event at the Welcome Pod next Friday, 3pm-7pm.Join us to enjoy local talent, live performances, footpath art, street football and balance bikes!

  • Open Street

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    Open Street Welcome Day

    Queens Park Welcome Pod, opposite Queens Park Station

    FRIDAY 25 MARCH, 3pm – 7pm

    We’re opening George Street and Railway Parade to welcome the community and nurture connections between people in the local neighbourhood. Join us to celebrate the diversity of our community, support local businesses and enliven Queens Park.

    01 / Leave your mark with footpath art

    02/ Kickit with street football

    03/ Catch a ride with Cycling Without Age

    04/ Play Mahjong with a Queens Park senior

    05/ Be treated to a didgeridoo performance by Michael Spratt

    06/ Get a henna tattoo by Gentle Hair n Beauty

    07/ Streetplay by Goodstart Learning

    08/ Balance Bikes by Bikewise

    09 /Enjoy local talent live performances

    10/ Share your ideas and inspiration for making a vibrant, welcoming community hub under and around the elevated rail soon to be delivered through Queens Park and Cannington - https://culturecounts.cc/s/58aNPa

    Open Streets Welcome Day is an initiative of the City of Canning along with Town Team Movement, WestCycle and WA Department of Transport to encourage a more bikeable, walkable and rollable Perth.


  • Community Welcome Dinner

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    Roll out the welcome mat!

    The Wanju Welcome Queens Park team hosted our very first Community Welcome Dinner.

    More than 100 people gathered to enjoy a community soccer match with the Naija Football Club, followed by delicious Turkish dishes generously provided by @fountaincollege and @ihswomensplatform.

    Everyone celebrated the generosity, friendliness and fantastic community spirit of the neighbourhood.

  • Art in Queens Park

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    Several activities throughout October created a connected, vibrant Queens Park Neighbouhood. Several seniors enjoyed a water colour workshop and a fun afternoon as part of a Grandparents Day held at the Queens Park Seniors Club.

    The Footpath Art, together with the significant tree planting in Mary Mackillop Park has helped breathe new life and vitality into the Park. Artist, Mel McVee worked with the community to paint some fantastic designs. These disparate elements help improve street connections and create a story of interest for the local neighbourhood.

  • Projector Art

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    Amazing colourful fish are being displayed on rotating projectors in Queens Park Reserve, installed as part of the Art in Queens Park series of events last year. The projector art is a partnership with Queens Park Primary School, showcasing winning artwork from the school’s Annual Art Exhibition.

  • Queens Park Reserve Mural

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    In partnership with Sister Kate's Home Kids Aboriginal Corporation the City of Canning is proud to reveal the Queens Park Reserve Mural.

    Mayor Patrick Hall - City of Canning said Queens Park is a place that holds a strong sense of connection for many people in the Aboriginal community. Being the area of the former Sister Kate’s home it is a place that is connected to many stories of separation and loss. However, it has also become a symbol of resilience, courage, and cultural strength.

    Special thanks go to CEO of SKHKAC Tjalaminu Mia and local artists Deanne Tann and Brenton See for their breathtaking mural depicting the cultural story of country, regenerating not only the focus of caring for land within the Noongar Six Seasons but all-inclusive nurturing community connectedness and social harmony between people.

    "We hope that this space becomes a place of welcome, where people in the local community can gather and share stories together. This Wall Mural is one of many welcome actions being implemented in partnership with the community as part of Wanju Welcome Queens Park."

  • Welcome a Street Tree to the Neighbourhood

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    Four local primary schools joined the City of Canning to name and welcome 537 new street trees recently planted in Queens Park, as part of the City’s efforts to cool the suburb.

    Students from St Norbert’s College and St Josephs, Gibbs Street and Queens Park primary schools named and wrote welcome messages for trees which they can track on a map on the City’s website.

    The planting program is part of the City’s Urban Forest Strategy that aims to increase the tree canopy in suburbs to provide shade and cooling.

    City of Canning’s Mayor Patrick Hall says he is pleased the schools became involved with a very important cause.

    “As Queens Park has been identified as having a high heat island and low tree canopy, trees serve an important function in cooling down our neighbourhoods and improving our streetscapes.

    “With summer now upon us more trees mean more shade.

    “The students’ efforts in naming the new trees was a great way to welcome them into Queens Park,” Mr Hall said.

    Did you name a Street Tree? Find out where your street tree is growing on our Welcome a Street Tree Map

Page last updated: 16 Sep 2024, 02:40 PM