Climate Clever Neighbourhoods Project
What’s being shaped?
The Climate Clever Neighbourhoods Project is a first-of-its-kind pilot research project run by the City of Canning, which provides support to community members living in Canning. Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, living in a house or an apartment, you will be provided with plenty of inspiration, ways to save and opportunities to meet people living nearby, all while reducing your impact on the planet!
Throughout the project you will be able to track and reduce your energy bills, carbon footprint, waste and water consumption with personalised actions provided through a subscription to the ClimateClever app. If you’re a green thumb, you’ll be able to connect with other food growers in your area through the Grow it Local network and share food, knowledge and skills with your neighbours.
As part of the pilot project, you will have the opportunity to share your journey during regular dinners, video interviews, and through a private Climate Clever Neighbourhoods Facebook group. You will also have access to regular workshops providing tips and actions to reduce your energy usage and waste, increase your water efficiency and grow your own food.
The City of Canning strives to minimise its climate impacts through best practice energy and emissions management. It is our goal to reduce our corporate carbon footprint to net zero, and to support the development of innovative projects that help our community to do the same. This means working towards a low carbon future through an integrated program of major renewable energy projects, energy and fuel efficiency measures, and staff and community engagement initiatives.
The objective of the Climate Clever Neighbourhoods Project is to demonstrates leadership, engage community, build relationships, collect robust community data and result in positive aggregated sustainability impacts.
Taking action on climate change is up to all of us, and there’s no better place to start than in your own home and community.
The project is funded by Lotterywest and is being delivered by the City of Canning in partnership with The Behaviour Change Collaborative, ClimateClever, Grow it Local, Switch Your Thinking and ReWild Perth.
Get Involved
The City of Canning is seeking feedback from City of Canning residents participating in the Climate Clever Neighbourhoods pilot project.
The baseline survey undertaken 12 months ago sought to understand knowledge, awareness and actions in relation to sustainability and climate change behaviours. The results of this survey were used to to tailor activities during the program and create a baseline of behaviours.
We are seeking your feedback in the post-survey which will help us evaluate the project and inform future sustainability and climate related initiatives at the City of Canning.
What are the next steps?
Thank you for participating in this project and we hope you have made meaningful connections with your neighbours while implementing changes to reduce your impact on the planet!
Although the Climate Clever Neighbourhoods project has come to an end please continue to connect with your neighbours and share your journey through the Climate Clever Neighbourhoods Facebook group.
Subscribe to our Sustainability eNews to keep up to date on any upcoming community events and projects you can get involved in.
Alternatively please feel free to email us to provide any feedback, ask a question or need support on your sustainability journey.