What is happening with the area?

    The Bentley Redevelopment Area (Bentley 360) has been prepared for the purposes of Residential Development for nearly a decade. The Bentley Regeneration Project Local Structure Plan was adopted in 2015 alongside its Design Guidelines and Multiple Local Development Plans.

    The Structure Plan is set to expire and has not been enacted upon by the Department of Communities. As part of the State Government's initiatives to unlock more housing supply for WA, on the 27th of February 2024, the state announced a new Master Plan was to be prepared with the State's Development Arm, Development WA.

    The draft and consultation process for the Master Plan is still underway and residents will have the opportunity to participate in this process with Development WA.

    Who owns the land?

    The land is owned by the State Government and has been managed by the City of Canning for several years. As of the 2nd of May, 2024, the Redevelopment Area has been established and Development WA will take control of the planning and development matters for this area. 

    Can I speak with Development WA about the future plans?

    Development WA have prepared a website page for the Project Area, which can be viewed here: https://developmentwa.com.au/projects/redevelopment/bentley-redevelopment-project/about-the-project 

    Alternatively, you may wish to contact Development WA by calling the Community Information Line on 1800 879 574 or via sending through an email at: bentley@developmentwa.com.au

    Why does the City have the application?

    All development (works and/or land uses) requires approval. The State Planning Framework sets out a number of "exempted" types of development which would not trigger the need for a development (planning) application.

    The works proposed are not considered exempt from the requirement of approval and will need to be assessed against all of the relevant planning matters applicable to the development. 

    The City cannot refuse the acceptance of an application and the role of the Statutory Planning Services is to assess development applications on their merit with due regard to the state and local planning framework.

    While not all applications are required to be advertised, the City has opted to consult adjoining and nearby residences to understand the impacts of the proposal and to assist in the assessment process.

    What happens to my Submission?

    Your submission will be reviewed by the assessing officer and considered in the assessment of the development application. 

    In making a submission on a development application, you provide Council with personal information. This information will be held by Council to enable us to contact you in the course of consideration of the application and to ensure completeness of our records in relation to the application. Submissions are not confidential. They form part of the development application and may be included in reports to Council/ JDAP, and may be made available for public viewing.

    I have received a letter regarding the proposal but I do not wish to make comments. Do I need to do anything?

    There is no obligation to provide a response to the City's Consultation Letter(s). If a submission is not received, it is taken that you do not have an objection or comment on the proposal.

    Alternatively, you may wish to confirm your non-objection to the proposal by providing a response in writing, via email or by using the survey below.

    I have not received a letter. Can I still comment?

    As part of the consultation process, the City has sent advertising letters to all adjoining properties and to all owners and occupiers. In addition to this, more letters were sent to residents within the general vicinity of the bulk earthworks being undertaken, in excess of the requirements of the City's Local Planning Policy LP.02 - Public Consultation of Planning Proposals.

    Notwithstanding this, the development is open for comment to the general public and anyone can provide a submission using the details on this page.

    Can I meet with an officer in-person to discuss the proposal?

    An appointment can be made with the City's Planning Services if required. Please note that walk-ins are not preferred and appointments will guarantee the availability of an officer in advance.

    An appointment can be made by contacting the City on 9231 0606 or via the City's website. Alternatively, the City can discuss the proposal via phone or email prior to a submission being received.