Welcome Points

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Consultation has concluded

Hey Neighbour,

To support everyone in connecting to the community, the Canning Libraries are introducing places of welcome, 'Welcome Points'. Helping all members of our community to connect with the information they need and connecting us with each other. 
The City of Canning is excited to announce this new project as part of the City’s vision of a welcoming and thriving City: Learning City Strategy 2020-2024
With your support we will enhance the role of Canning Libraries as places of welcome, where new Canning residents are guided in accessing key community information and supported to connect and embed within our community. 

With your support, this collaboration can benefit all Canning residents!

Accessibility: This page is available in multiple languages. Look to the top right hand side of the page and there is a button saying 'Translate this page'. Click on the arrow and choose the language that best suits your needs. If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450. Alternatively, call the City on 1300 422 664 for assistance.

Your Community, Your Libraries, You're Invited:

Community Engagement Survey closed 31 August 2021: view the full report here.

Do you think you would use a Welcome Point?

The City of Canning has an ancient and rich cultural heritage. The City acknowledges and embraces the strong and enduring connection of the Whadjuk Noongar people to the land and waterways within the City of Canning, in particular the Djarlgaroo Beelier (Canning River). In addition to the City's rich Aboriginal heritage and history, Canning is also now a thriving hub of cultural diversity with over 50% of our population born overseas and 40% speaking a language other than English at home. At the time of the last Census (2016) the City of Canning was the most culturally diverse Local Authority area in WA.

With cultural diversity comes both challenges and opportunities: to ensure that all people are included and have equal access to learning, along with celebrating and recognising the benefits of being a diverse community. Assisting new community members to orientate and participate within the community accelerates the process of developing a sense of connection and belonging enabling opportunities for connecting with others, developing shared interests and building support networks.

You said...

You want displays during 
community celebrations and to connect with other people.

You said...

You want local information available:
in digital form, print form, in multiple languages and to have support from staff or volunteers to access this information

You said...

You want to feel, "Welcome", "Safe", "Inspired", "Belonging" when you enter these spaces.

So we...

…are enhancing existing programs to more fully support social engagement and connection.

So we...

…develop community information to support newcomers to Canning and those seeking to engage further with community activities and staff training to better support people in accessing this information:

So we...

...are adapting our spaces to have overt indicators of inclusivity, belonging and welcoming.

  • #MoreToCelebrate
    Displays during community celebrations, e.g. Lunar New Year, Eid, Christmas and More!

  • Community Events
    Events play an important role in the cultural fabric of our community and provide significant cultural, economic and social benefit.

  • Library Tours
    Invite your friends, family and neighbours, then join your friendly library staff in leading a tour of your local library. You will be the host in this welcoming event. Find access to a world of resources and share a cup of tea or coffee together.
  • Recognition of Traditional Custodians in our spaces.

  • Comfortable information lounges - with access to digital and print information. Decorated with 'Welcome' cushions generously created by Stitches Embroidery Group.

  • Staff cultural awareness training and embedding 'Welcome' into our inclusive customer service.

  • Signage and Translations

  • LOTE and bilingual collections highlighted

Our vibrant community are providing support, developing businesses, engaging with education, sharing celebrations and creating connections every day.
Canning Libraries can provide a central, welcoming location for key community information and additional support to connect with this information.
Here are some common questions:

  • When and where are these free community events?
  • Where can I go to privately study or improve my English conversation skills?
  • Where can I find business and financial support?
  • Are there places to visit with my family near my house?
  • Can I join a community group that speaks my language?
  • Where can I meet new people and find friends?
  • Are there opportunities for work and volunteering?
  • How can I find free resources and workshops?
  • Is it free to join Canning Libraries?

Welcome Points will provide additional support for community members to access this information online, enabling greater participation in community activities, events and services.

For the answers to these questions and more, visit your local library or online welcome point - find the information that connects you to your community.

With your support, this collaboration can benefit all Canning residents!

Hey Neighbour,

To support everyone in connecting to the community, the Canning Libraries are introducing places of welcome, 'Welcome Points'. Helping all members of our community to connect with the information they need and connecting us with each other. 
The City of Canning is excited to announce this new project as part of the City’s vision of a welcoming and thriving City: Learning City Strategy 2020-2024
With your support we will enhance the role of Canning Libraries as places of welcome, where new Canning residents are guided in accessing key community information and supported to connect and embed within our community. 

With your support, this collaboration can benefit all Canning residents!

Accessibility: This page is available in multiple languages. Look to the top right hand side of the page and there is a button saying 'Translate this page'. Click on the arrow and choose the language that best suits your needs. If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450. Alternatively, call the City on 1300 422 664 for assistance.

Your Community, Your Libraries, You're Invited:

Community Engagement Survey closed 31 August 2021: view the full report here.

Do you think you would use a Welcome Point?

The City of Canning has an ancient and rich cultural heritage. The City acknowledges and embraces the strong and enduring connection of the Whadjuk Noongar people to the land and waterways within the City of Canning, in particular the Djarlgaroo Beelier (Canning River). In addition to the City's rich Aboriginal heritage and history, Canning is also now a thriving hub of cultural diversity with over 50% of our population born overseas and 40% speaking a language other than English at home. At the time of the last Census (2016) the City of Canning was the most culturally diverse Local Authority area in WA.

With cultural diversity comes both challenges and opportunities: to ensure that all people are included and have equal access to learning, along with celebrating and recognising the benefits of being a diverse community. Assisting new community members to orientate and participate within the community accelerates the process of developing a sense of connection and belonging enabling opportunities for connecting with others, developing shared interests and building support networks.

You said...

You want displays during 
community celebrations and to connect with other people.

You said...

You want local information available:
in digital form, print form, in multiple languages and to have support from staff or volunteers to access this information

You said...

You want to feel, "Welcome", "Safe", "Inspired", "Belonging" when you enter these spaces.

So we...

…are enhancing existing programs to more fully support social engagement and connection.

So we...

…develop community information to support newcomers to Canning and those seeking to engage further with community activities and staff training to better support people in accessing this information:

So we...

...are adapting our spaces to have overt indicators of inclusivity, belonging and welcoming.

  • #MoreToCelebrate
    Displays during community celebrations, e.g. Lunar New Year, Eid, Christmas and More!

  • Community Events
    Events play an important role in the cultural fabric of our community and provide significant cultural, economic and social benefit.

  • Library Tours
    Invite your friends, family and neighbours, then join your friendly library staff in leading a tour of your local library. You will be the host in this welcoming event. Find access to a world of resources and share a cup of tea or coffee together.
  • Recognition of Traditional Custodians in our spaces.

  • Comfortable information lounges - with access to digital and print information. Decorated with 'Welcome' cushions generously created by Stitches Embroidery Group.

  • Staff cultural awareness training and embedding 'Welcome' into our inclusive customer service.

  • Signage and Translations

  • LOTE and bilingual collections highlighted

Our vibrant community are providing support, developing businesses, engaging with education, sharing celebrations and creating connections every day.
Canning Libraries can provide a central, welcoming location for key community information and additional support to connect with this information.
Here are some common questions:

  • When and where are these free community events?
  • Where can I go to privately study or improve my English conversation skills?
  • Where can I find business and financial support?
  • Are there places to visit with my family near my house?
  • Can I join a community group that speaks my language?
  • Where can I meet new people and find friends?
  • Are there opportunities for work and volunteering?
  • How can I find free resources and workshops?
  • Is it free to join Canning Libraries?

Welcome Points will provide additional support for community members to access this information online, enabling greater participation in community activities, events and services.

For the answers to these questions and more, visit your local library or online welcome point - find the information that connects you to your community.

With your support, this collaboration can benefit all Canning residents!

Share Your Story

Please share your story below and tell us about your favourite place in Canning, any advice you have for new arrivals, and your story of being welcomed to Canning.

  • What is your story of being welcomed into the City of Canning, or welcoming other new arrivals?

  • Where are your favourite places to visit in Canning, and why?

  • What is your advice to people who have recently arrived?
Thank you for sharing your story with us.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

  • Share I've grown older since I moved into the Ciy of Canning... on Facebook Share I've grown older since I moved into the Ciy of Canning... on Twitter Share I've grown older since I moved into the Ciy of Canning... on Linkedin Email I've grown older since I moved into the Ciy of Canning... link

    I've grown older since I moved into the Ciy of Canning...

    almost 4 years ago

    I've grown older since I moved into the Ciy of Canning and once I had a family it was the right time to join the school community, use the environmental resources in the area, like Kent St, paths in the Regional Park etc and join the sporting groups that my children belonged to. My children have left home now and I enjoy volunteering and the friendship of people I meet in meaningful social groups, like the stitching group I meet with, or the valuable community society that offers specific purpose events that I can assist organising or the educative group... Continue reading