Development Application - Home Business (Plumbing Services) - DA24/0102 - 41 Condor Circle, Willetton
The City has received the above-mentioned development (planning) application. An assessment of the development proposal found that it does not meet the requirements of the City’s Local Planning Scheme 42 (LPS42) and is required to be advertised prior to a determination being made.
Matters that we would like you to consider
We ask that you consider the following matter(s) and let us know whether you object to or support the development proposal.
In accordance with the City’s LPS42, a ‘Home Business’ is a discretionary ‘A’ land use means that: “the use is not permitted unless the local government has exercised its discretion by granting development approval after advertising the application.”
The business operating at the site is detailed by the applicant as follows:
- The business is a Plumbing Contracting Business, and most activities occur off-site.
- The business employs four (4) staff members, inclusive of the landowners.
- The property holds six (6) light-vehicles for the plumbing business, which are kept in the property outside of operating hours. The employees attending the site utilise these vehicles during operating hours and return the vehicles to the site later in the day.
- The key operating hours are from 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
- Other than the plumbing aspect of the business, a home office is used inside the premises for the business during these hours. Another building at the site is used to store plumbing equipment and products for the business. The total area for the business is 85m2.
- Other than employees attending the site, the business is proposed to have minimal visitors or customers. All visitors to the site have parking areas available in the garage and to the front of the dwelling.
- Deliveries of sanitary and tapware products will occur during business hours, primarily using small delivery vans or pickup trucks, on an ad-hoc basis.
The activity warrants the consideration of the local government, having due regard to the matters detailed in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and any relevant matters applicable. In this instance, the relevant matters for consideration include, but may not be limited to:
- The aims and purpose of which the land is zoned (Residential) under the City's LPS42. The objectives of the Residential zone are:
- To provide for a range of housing and a choice of residential densities to meet the needs of the community.
- To facilitate and encourage high quality design, built form and streetscapes throughout residential areas.
- To provide for a range of non-residential uses, which are compatible with and complimentary to residential development.
- The provisions of the City’s LPS42. The application does not comply against the development standards for a 'Home Business', which is defined in LPS42 meaning “a dwelling or land around a dwelling used by an occupier of the dwelling to carry out a business, service, or profession if the carrying out of the business, service or profession:
- Does not involve employing more than 2 people who are not members of the occupier’s household.
- will not cause injury to or adversely affect the amenity of the neighbourhood.
- Does not occupy an area greater than 50m2.
- Does not involve the retail sale, display or hire of any goods unless the sale, display or hire is done only by means of the Internet.
- Does not result in traffic difficulties as a result of the inadequacy of parking or an increase in traffic volumes in the neighbourhood.
- Does not involve the presence, use or calling of a vehicle of more than 4.5 tonnes tare weight.
- Does not involve the use of an essential service that is greater than the use normally required in the zone in which the dwelling is located.
- The compatibility of the development within its setting, including:
- The compatibility of the development with the current and desired future character of its setting.
- The relationship of the development to development on adjoining land or on other land in the locality including, but not limited to, the likely effect of the height, bulk, scale, orientation, and appearance of the development.
- The impact on the amenity of the locality.
‘Amenity’ is defined in Schedule 1 of the Regulations, as: “…all those factors which combine to form the character of an area and include the present and likely future amenity”. Common amenity considerations include, but are not limited to, car parking and traffic generation, noise or odour emissions and visual aesthetics.
Viewing the plans
A copy of the documents can be found in the 'Documents' section of this proposal.
How and when to submit your comments
For any comments on the proposal, please complete the survey below and outline your concerns or support on the proposal. Please be advised that the proposal is advertised only for a period of 14 days, with all submissions required to be provided by no later than 5pm on the 09 March 2025.
Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact the assessing officer in the "Who's Listening" section of this page.