27 February 2024

Minister Announcement

On the 27nd of February 2024, Minister John Carey announced the Bentley Redevelopment Project will be revisited and a new Master Plan will be prepared: https://www.wa.gov.au/government/media-statements/Cook-Labor-Government/Bentley-redevelopment-project-moves-into-streamlined-delivery--20240227

March 2024

Stage 1 Subdivision Application Lodged

In March 2024, Development WA lodged a Stage 1 subdivision application with the Western Australian Planning Commission, leveraging on existing planning work for the site. Stage 1 proposes 46 residential lots and two development sites.

This subdivision proposal affects the north-east corner of the development site and is not affiliated with this application for remediation earthworks. For further information on this subdivision, please contact Development WA or the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

April 2024

Application Received for Earthworks

The City received this application for Earthworks during April, 2024.

July → December 2024

Development WA to Consult the Community for Future Plan (indicative)

The community will be invited to comment on the planning framework, which will be released for public comment in the second half of 2024. Once adopted, the Redevelopment Scheme will transfer planning control from the City of Canning to Development WA.

September → December 2024

Earthworks Begin (indicative)

Development WA has advised that construction works are expected to begin in late 2024, subject to approvals.