What is the City of Canning Play Provision Strategy?
The City of Canning Play Provision Strategy is a guide to the future provision of public playgrounds, with all the benefits they provide to the changing and growing community within the City.
This Strategy takes the approach that open space planning for children’s use should be aimed at providing a wide range of appropriate, fun and stimulating playgrounds that meet the needs of children and complement the play opportunities available to them in their everyday lives.
It aims to provide a greater focus on nature and adventure play, and offer more inclusive play spaces with better shade. You can read the full Strategy at: www.canning.wa.gov.au/playgroundproject(External link)
Why is the City preparing a Play Provision Strategy?
The City wants to ensure that its playgrounds are appropriate, accessible, exciting and fun and supported by complementary features and landscapes. The strategy will guide the City in providing and meeting the community's needs in relation to play provision.
Currently many of the City's playgrounds are considered old and there is a need to upgrade the City's playgrounds with new equipment that represent current trends and the needs of the community.
Can I have a say on what equipment is installed in my local park?
Yes! We welcome feedback from residents. If you live near a playground that is being upgraded, you should have received a notice with a link to the draft designs, or you may have seen the signage with the link at your local park.
This link will take you to the Your Say page where you can provided your feedback.
If not, please call us on 1300 422 664 and we can send you the link, or mail you a hard copy survey form.
How long will construction take?
Each playground will vary, however, generally construction will take no more than eight weeks.
Can I expect any noise and disruption during the works?
Works will be carried out between standard working hours of 7am to 5pm on week days and the occasional Saturday if necessary, so no after hours disturbance is expected.
Will I still have access to my local park while the upgrades occur?
Yes, however there will be a temporary fence erected around the construction site. We ask that you take care around any machinery that is moving in and out of the site.
How can I find out more?
Visit www.canning.wa.gov.au/playgroundproject(External link) to learn more about the project; read our Play Provision Strategy, and to see the list of playgrounds being upgraded this financial year.
This page will be updated regularly as the project progresses. If you can't find what you are looking for, please call us on 1300 422 664.