Amendment to Development Approval – Amendment to Condition 1 of Approval for a Place of Worship at 1 Todtiana Close, Willetton
Consultation has concluded on this proposal. The City's Planning Services will now review the comments made and assess the application on its merits. A notice for the upcoming council meeting will be sent to submitters in due course.
The City has received an application for an Amendment to Condition 1 of Approval for a Place of Worship at the subject lot.
The application does not propose any modification or change to the existing development occurring on the site, with the proposal focused on amendments to existing conditions (operating hours) of the Church.
The proposal involves:
Amendment to Condition 1 as follows:
Current Condition 1:
The operation of the Public Worship use shall be limited to the following with each period restricted to either one event at maximum capacity or multiple events with the combined number of attendees not exceeding the maximum capacity:
Monday to Wednesday, 9:30am to 2:00pm, maximum 600 attendees.
i. 9:30am to 2:00pm, maximum 300 attendees.
ii. 7:00pm to 9:00pm, maximum 300 attendees.
i. 9:30am to 2:00pm, maximum 300 attendees.
ii. 7.00pm to 10:00pm, 300 maximum attendees.
i. 9:00am to 5:00pm, maximum 1400 attendees.
ii. 6.00pm to 9:00pm, 600 maximum attendees.
Sunday & Public Holidays,
i. 8:00am to 1:00pm, maximum 1400 attendees for each service for Sunday, Good Friday, and Christmas with a maximum of two services per day.
ii. 2.00pm to 6:00pm, 300 maximum attendees.
All other times not listed above:
i. 9:00am to 7:00pm, maximum 50 attendees at any one time.
Proposed Amended Condition 1:
The operation of the Public Worship use shall be limited to the following with each period restricted to either one event at maximum capacity or multiple events with the combined number of attendees not exceeding the maximum capacity:
Monday to Friday,
i. 9:30am to 2:00pm, maximum 600 attendees.
ii. 7:00pm to 10:00pm, maximum 300 attendees.
i. 9:00am to 5:00pm, maximum 1400 attendees.
ii. 6:00pm to 9:00pm, maximum 600 attendees
Sunday & Public Holidays,
i. 8:00am to 1:00pm, maximum 1400 attendees for each service for Sunday, Good Friday, and Christmas with a maximum of two services per day.
ii. 2.00pm to 6:00pm, 300 maximum attendees.
All other times not listed above:
i. 9:00am to 7:00pm, maximum 50 attendees at any one time.
Matters that we would like you to consider
We ask that you consider the following matter(s) in addition to the lodged supporting documents and let us know what your submission is to the development proposal.
The land use activity warrants the consideration of the local government, having due regard to matters detailed in the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, and that of any relevant state or local planning policy. In this instance the relevant matters for consideration include, but may not be limited to:
a.The aims and purpose of which the land is zoned (Urban Development) under the City's Local Planning Scheme No. 42, specifically whether the proposed use meets the objectives of the subject Residential zone, as outlined in Table 2 of the City’s Scheme.
b. The compatibility of the development with its setting, including-
c. The impact on the amenity of the locality.
‘Amenity’ is defined in Schedule 1 of the Regulations, as: “…all those factors which combine to form the character of an area and include the present and likely future amenity”. Common amenity considerations include, but are not limited to, car parking and traffic generation, noise or odour emissions and visual aesthetics.
Following closure of this consultation period, a delegated (authorised) officer of the City will consider the application with regard to the relevant matters for consideration. This includes consideration of any comments from adjoining affected landowner(s) and occupiers and the relevant planning considerations applicable.
Please note that the City is not the decision-making authority for this proposal and the application has been lodged under the Development Assessment Panel (DAPs) pathway. The City is obliged to prepare a responsible authority report to the DAPs for their final consideration.
Should the DAPs result to proceed with the determination of the proposal, submitters would be made aware of the upcoming meeting dates and for any opportunities to attend or present at the meeting.
For any comments on the proposal, please complete the survey below and outline your concerns or support on the proposal.