Age Friendly Canning

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Canning's Vision for Age Friendly

Our vision is for Canning to be an age friendly city, fostering collaboration with our diverse population of seniors, to ensure inclusivity, accessibility and to meet the changing needs of our community members as they age. The City’s first Age Friendly Plan introduces the concepts of an age friendly community, with a set of identified actions for completion over a two year time frame from 2024 - 2026.

An Age Friendly City, is inclusive and accessible for people of all ages. This encompasses spaces and places, programs and initiatives that make a community better

Canning's Vision for Age Friendly

Our vision is for Canning to be an age friendly city, fostering collaboration with our diverse population of seniors, to ensure inclusivity, accessibility and to meet the changing needs of our community members as they age. The City’s first Age Friendly Plan introduces the concepts of an age friendly community, with a set of identified actions for completion over a two year time frame from 2024 - 2026.

An Age Friendly City, is inclusive and accessible for people of all ages. This encompasses spaces and places, programs and initiatives that make a community better for all residents including children, young people, parents and in particular older people.

Our Plan consists of three pillars, aligning with The 10-year State Seniors Strategy (2023-2033) and first five-year Action Plan (2023-2027):

Pillar 1: Welcoming, safe and friendly communities

Pillar 2: Thriving physically, mentally and spiritually

Pillar 3: Staying connected and engaged

Age Friendly Plan 2024 - 2026 Consultation Summary

Throughout April 2024, the City of Canning invited the Canning community to comment on our first draft Age Friendly Plan 2024 - 2026.

The key feedback we received was:

• From targeted in-person engagement with over 1000 older people

• 90.6% of respondents support the Plan

• The Canning community feel the Age Friendly Plan will have a positive impact on the lives of older people

• Improved communication and delivery of inclusive services for older people is a high priority

• Older people living in Canning value the community to be inclusive, accessible, respectful and safe

• Nearly half of respondents are members of one or more community, social and/or sporting groups

• Older people prefer to engage with the City in person

The top three ways the City can meaningfully connect with older people is by;

1. Celebrating dates of significance (Seniors Week)

2. Sharing accessible and culturally appropriate information

3. Facilitating education, learning and capacity building programs to support older people and carers

The top five learning programs that seniors would like to participate in are;

1. Stay on Your Feet or similar health and wellness talks

2. Digital literacy (Be Connected Program)

3. Estate planning and wills (elder abuse awareness)

4. Transperth journey planning workshops and guided public transport tours

5. Dementia friendly community sessions

We received feedback through:

• 25 engagement events

• Canning Examiner quarter-page advertisement on 11 April 2024

• City of Canning website, social media platforms, newsletters through Library, Leisure and Canning in Focus and advertising at City facilities with printed resources


If you need an interpreter, please call TIS National on 131 450. Alternatively, call the City on 1300 422 664 for assistance. This page is available in other languages. Look to the top right hand side of the page and there is a button saying 'Translate this page'. Click on the arrow and choose the language that best suits your needs.

WA Seniors Week 2024 in Canning


What an awesome Seniors Week in Canning!

From the 10 - 17 November, our community came and tried some exciting activities and proved that age is just a number!

Older people in Canning were recognised and celebrated this WA Seniors Week through a range of free activities such as tech savvy sessions in the libraries, free Leisureplex classes like Zumba Gold, Nature Walk with Hike West and Birdlife WA, Dragon Boating and a Sing Along Concert. We promoted the fantastic services of Canning's Seniors Centres too.

Check out some of the photos.

Dragon Boating & Water Safety Session


Nature Walk & Bird Watching (with partners Hike West and Birdlife WA)

Line Dancing at Herald Avenue and Queens Park Seniors Clubs


Ballroom Dancing


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Page last updated: 06 Jan 2025, 01:09 PM