What is an Activity Centre Plan?

    An Activity Centre Plan is a document that provides a guidance framework for the coordinated provision and arrangement of future land use, subdivision and development. It brings together transport networks, public open space, utility and service networks, urban water management, development standards and community and other infrastructure investment.

    Why was an Activity Centre Plan originally developed?

    The Canning City Centre Activity Centre has been designated as a Metropolitan Activity Centre under the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) Direction 2031 and Beyond, Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million and State Planning Policy 4.2, Activity Centres for Perth and Peel.

    The Canning City Centre is of strategic metropolitan importance and is well placed within this context. It is just minutes from the Perth CBD, highly accessible by bus and train, a walk away from the Canning River and close to the hills and airport. However these key strengths and opportunities have not been fully realised.

    In 2013, the City of Canning prepared and adopted the Canning City Centre Activity Structure Plan – Local Planning Policy SRS237.

    In 2015, following the release of new regulations, a review of the Canning City Centre Structure Plan – Local Planning Policy SRS237 was undertaken and the draft Canning City Centre Activity Centre Plan was prepared.

    While the name of the document has changed (as required by the new regulation), refinements have been done and further technical studies added, the Canning City Centre Activity Centre Plan’s vision and intent remain the same as Local planning Policy SRS237.

    What are the main changes from the Structure Plan (Local Planning Policy SRS237) to the new Activity Centre Plan?

    The main changes are:

    • The document has been restructured to align with new planning regulations and framework
    • Precinct boundaries have changed
    • More residential based precincts have been provided for with building height from 2 to 6 storey
    • Development Standards and Sustainability requirements have been integrated
    • Indicative location for parking stations have been rationalised based on the latest movement and access strategy
    • Civic square locations have been reduced to one and relocated to a more central and accessible location
    • Areas requiring Local Development Plans prior to subdivision or development have been clearly indicated

    Why do we advertise the Activity Centre Plan as a Local Planning Policy?

    As shown on diagram below, the endorsement process is more complex for an Activity Centre Plan than for a Local Planning Policy.

    An Activity Centre Plan needs approval from the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) while a policy does not. Once advertised, a policy is adopted by Council and the previous policy is revoked. 

    As the City would like the Canning City Centre Activity Centre Plan to be part of the City’s planning framework as soon as possible, the City took the decision to adopt the Activity Centre Plan as a Local Planning Policy first and use it in the interim before endorsement of the Canning City Centre Activity Centre Plan by the WAPC. Once The Activity Centre Plan adopted by the WAPC the policy will be revoked.

    How will my property be affected by the Activity Centre proposal?

    Please contact the City of Canning's Planning Services department for further information.

    When will we start to see changes?

    The Activity Centre Plan is a long term vision to guide public and private investment and will evolve over the years. The City of Canning will work closely with the Community, landowners and other partners to begin the revitalisation of the City Centre on both a large and small scale; in the short and long term.

    You would have noticed that development has already started.

    What happens after the comment period?

    All comment received will be carefully considered in the finalization of the Activity Centre Plan. The City will keep you informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and provide feedback on how public inputs influenced the decision.

    When finalized, the Activity Centre Plan will go to Council for adoption as an Activity Centre Plan and in the interim as a Local Planning Policy. Upon adoption by Council, the Activity Centre Plan will be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) for adoption and the Activity Centre Plan Local Planning Policy will replace Local Planning Policy SRS237 in the interim before formal endorsement of the Canning City Centre Activity Centre Plan by the WAPC.